Thursday, May 13, 2010

If many Christians are against abortion, why don't they agree with sex ed classes that teach birth control?

I know you guys don't want teens having sex. But you also talk about how sick and horrible abortions are. If you truly believe abortions are murder, isn't risking unmarried sex a lot better than murder?

I truly don't understand how people so concerned with the number of abortions every year are against teaching proper birth control methods that would prevent many of these abortions.If many Christians are against abortion, why don't they agree with sex ed classes that teach birth control?
These people think differently than a lot of us.If many Christians are against abortion, why don't they agree with sex ed classes that teach birth control?
Because it would make sense? LOL

Just kidding there, but seriously, just because a few religions teach that sex is only to be within their form of marriage, and even then only for the purpose of procreation does not mean that the rest of the world has to abide by *their* beliefs. Parents have always had the option to ';opt out'; of their kids taking the sex ed course, so it's really not that big of a deal. They just want to decide what other people's kids can get taught too.

And some of the answers on abortion questions around here just make me physically ill. Not everyone who's has an abortion has been promiscuous or ';easy.'; Some were being responsible but their birth control failed. Some have health conditions that make pregnancy even more life-threatening than it already is, and some of those same health conditions don't allow them to use the more reliable hormonal birth control methods. Close your legs til you're married? Well what about married couples who don't want kids? Oh wait, that's ';wrong'; too isn't it? They should just have to be celibate all their lives... NOT!

People just need to realize that they don't get to make decisions for anyone but themselves. :)
sex ed is teaching kids the dangers and risks of having sex. that has nothing to do with killing an innocent child. im not denying teen pregnancy doesnt exist cuz that would be a lie. but at least they were warned about the consequences they KNEW what they were getting into when they decide to have sex. if sex ed wasnt taught i think there would be alot more pregnancies and then there would be a reason for kids getting an abortion. but if you have that knowledge then you take on that responsibility of knowing that you can in fact produce a child, then you should take the responsibility and either take care of that child or give the child up for an adoption
I get where your heart is, it's in the right place. And it makes sense...and this question isn't really addressed to me because I'm a pagan. However I can say, I don't care about sex ed classes because I know I've taught my kids about sex. Yes I know you are concerned about those kids who's parents aren't talking to their kids about sex, however I can safely say most parents just want their kids to learn how to read and write more than how to use a condom.
Because sex and birth control issues should be discussed with parents and their teenagers, not in a class with teachers. It is the responsibility of the parents to teach these things to their kids.

For all those people giving me thumbs down...You don't think it is the parents responsibility to raise your own children and teach them about sex and birth control. Well. I surely wouldn't leave this to teachers who don't care for my kids like I do.
The only birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence. When schools teach that I'll agree with them. But they teach it as a side note. They don't go into the physical or emotional and psychological damage that can and does occur from premarital sex. They focus more on birth control devices and that it's okay to have sex.
I don't have this mindset as some other Christians do. I know that this is the 21st century and times have changed so much. Teens need sex education at home yes, but lets face the facts, not all parents are good parents. All methods including abstinence should be taught in schools.
Abstinence doesn't work, and birth control/sex ed classes are the only way of ensuring that kids practice safe sex when they do. I'd also like to say that I had sex ed in seventh grade as part of the Life Science curriculum, and I never had sex.

EDIT: I also don't agree that sex ed should be the sole responsibility of parents. My parents never explained sex to me because they are conservative Christians; everything I learned about sex, the state taught me. And there are a lot of parents like mine.
i don't think they really want to lower rates of teen pregnancy. for the white girls, they want to create a huge adoption market of healthy caucasian infants and the rest of the kids they figure will make good cannon fodder for their wars.
Because they are against things that are proven to reduce abortion, and for things that drive it underground.

When a poor woman dies at the hands of a charlatan, they are happy.
These are the folks who want to legislate morality. They want everyone to live by their own standards (which often they don't live up to themselves).
they want to live in a little bubble world where everybody is abstainant
I always enjoy turning a secularist's arguments around on them. FOR INSTANCE, the homosexual defense goes something like this:

(From a family member: I was always against homosexuality until I found out my son was gay. Now I support him completely.) Oh? So, something is wrong unless your son does it and then it suddenly becomes right? So, if your son becomes a murderer then murder will be okay too?

This is fun! Let's try it with YOUR argument. First of all, let's be clear. Liberals have decided that they want to parent for Christians. They want to outlaw spanking, because they don't like it. They want to ban virtually any public voices of faith and reverance for God, because ... they don't like it. Etc. One of the ways they try to achieve this end is by slapping the word ';education'; on ANYTHING that they feel they know best to ';teach'; (indoctrinate) our kids. Focus on the FIRST word ... sex. SEX is a subject for school? Are you kidding me?! We've go from reading, writing, and 'rithmatic, and maybe a little history to teaching ... sex?! Suffice it to say, my FIRST position is that sex is not a subject for school. I'm soooooooooo tired of hearing the ';what if'; justification for ';sex education';: What if parents don't teach their children? Let's see ... with the schools teaching our children, teenage pregnancies are out of control. What's the downside of parents NOT teaching their kids about sex?

Okay, I haven't turned the argument around on you ... yet. You say that isn't it better to teach the children to do the dirty deed in a responsible way than it is to have them ... slippery slope time: Get pregnant, not want the baby, and have an abortion?

Using your reasoning then we should bring crime education into our school system. After all, YOU SAY that our prisons are over crowded. Isn't it ';better'; to teach the kids to rob and murder responsibly than it is to risk having them get caught? It cost a FORTUNE in court costs to try them and much more to incarcerate them. I mean, they're going to commit crimes ANYWAY. So, why not teach them to be smarter about it?

In case you don't get it, I'll spell it out for you:

1. Sin is defined as distance from God. Yes, yes, YES, it's terrible that a unwed teen would want to kill her unborn baby. It's terrible that she foolishly engaged in risky and immoral sex to make a baby that she doesn't want and now doesn't think twice about killing it. Absolutely horrible. But if you understood for one second how Christians feel about unwed sex then you would know that we CANNOT tell our children, ';Don't have sex. But ... if you must, here is how to do it without getting pregnant.'; It's an insane position.

2. Which is precisely why I drew the analogy with teaching kids to get away with crimes. ';Don't commit murder, but if you do, here's how to cover it up so you don't get caught.';

%26lt;%26lt;If many Christians are against abortion, why don't they agree with sex ed classes that teach birth control?%26gt;%26gt;

The human race has been procreating via sex for 200,000 years.

Thanks to so-called ';sex ed'; this is the first generation - after all that time - to be surprised adn even appalled at the fact sex leads to pregnancy!

The logic couldn't be more simple. You don't want to get pregnant, abstain from sex. One doesn't need to take a sex ed class to figure that out.

%26lt;%26lt;I know you guys don't want teens having sex. But you also talk about how sick and horrible abortions are. If you truly believe abortions are murder, isn't risking unmarried sex a lot better than murder?%26gt;%26gt;

All you're doing here is attempting to justify the evil of contraception by pointing to the evil of abortion. Abortion and artificial contraception are absolutely morally unacceptable on account they are both affronts to the dignity of human life.

%26lt;%26lt;I truly don't understand how people so concerned with the number of abortions every year are against teaching proper birth control methods that would prevent many of these abortions.%26gt;%26gt;

The problem here is that you don't see how artificial contraception constitutes an affront to the dignity of human life.

Also, you are ignoring the fact that Christianity teachings abstinence until marriage.

Are you the product of sex ed? You probably are because it's clear you have no idea what sex is. You see it as a form of entertainment; a civil right.

I see it for what it is, a Sacred Act; the Consumation of the Marital Union. Until you see sex in this light, you'll never understand.
I think its due to some Christians seeing birth-control methods such as the contraceptive pill as being (almost) as bad as abortion.

All contraception is interrupting the natural function of sex (procreation) and so is 'unnatural'. Christians who don't agree with birth control would say the purpose of sex is to have kids, and sex should only be had in a relationship where kids are welcomed (i.e. for them marriage).

Just saying it how some people see it. I've got not beef with contraception or abortion!
So, you go into a class of teenagers and show them how to put a condom on, what do you think they will do after they leave school?I went to school in the fifties and we never had ';sex'; education and I still managed to have 4 kids and 9 grandkids.And we never heard of anyone having VD or anything else like that.And girls were in control of their bodies. That is why liberals pushed abortion because they opened up a can of worms with their sex '; education'; and abortion was just another for of birth control for them. It doesn't matter to their twisted thinking that they are killing babies. Just sweep the pregnancy problem under the rug.But that is what the ungodly do.
your already defeated. how about no sex until married.there are over 25 std.and it is rampant.there are some that don't show up till 10 years later.and people say how did i get that,after there married.GOD will not be mocked a man reaps what he sows.
The only classes I would support is on abstinence only.
No, because in sex ed today, all they do is throw condoms at kids and encourage promiscuity. Their excuse is, ';Well, they're just going to do it anyway, so we may as well encourage 'safe sex'.'; For one thing, there's no such thing as ';safe sex'; outside of monogamous marriage. It's a myth. Secondly, the attitude that ';they're just going to do it anyway'; presupposes that teenagers are just animals who are incapable of thinking for themselves or controlling their own behavior - that their behavior is just instinctive and they can't help it. So they basically treat them like dogs and cats that need to be spayed and neutered.

There are a lot of teens out there who consciously make the decision to save themselves for marriage, and don't seem to have a problem controlling their own libido.

Another point is that sex ed in public schools is funded by Planned Parenthood, which is a money-grubbing corporation that knows that increased premaritial sex leads to more unintended pregnancies, which leads to more abortions at several hundred dollars a pop, which means more $$$$ in their pockets. This is exactly why they are against abstinence, which has a 100% success rate in prevention of pregnancies and STDs. Their method has a very low rate of success, which turns into more profits for them. Also, it is wrong to think that women who had abortions ';didn't know'; how not to get pregnant. That's an outright lie. 60% of women who have abortions were on the Pill when they got pregnant.

Throwing condoms and pills at teenagers is not the solution. Sex Ed is the responsibility of the parents, not a system with an agenda.

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