Friday, January 22, 2010

How can i control my two and three year old class?

if you want to get their attention, you need to kneel down to their level, slightly touch their chin and make eye contact and with a firm but friendly voice, tell them what you want to do. If you yell or raise your voice, children are not going to listen. Also, they have a very short attention span so you need to have MANY MANY activities. Most activities should last 5-10 minutes. Hope this helps!How can i control my two and three year old class?
I own a daycare and teach the two's and young three's. There are lots of things you can do to better control your group of little learners. I find it best to try and always keep your voice low. This way, if you do have to raise your voice, they know you mean business. When my class gets a little too loud, I switch off the light. It's an immediate attention grabber. Encourage your students to use their ';inside voice'; when they are indoors and always use yours. I tell my students ';hands in your laps'; when I am passing things out at our table. It helps with those little ';grabbers';. Separate your play groups into centers with no more than four children. This also helps keep things under control. Switch centers often, about every 15 minutes. Be sure you have plenty of duplicates on your toys. Two's and three's are not big on sharing. Reward good behavior. I use little stickers and hand stamps! Good luck in your class and have fun! I do!!!!!How can i control my two and three year old class?
If you are a preschool teacher I am sure they would have taught you how to handle any situation with the kids. If you cant control them then I suggest you go back to school. The kids are being kids and playing, you need to be a assertive adult and give them tasks to do in small groups and get them invloved. They are probably playing up because they are bored.
How big is the class?

Definitely don't loose your cool, don't shout.

Set a precedent for rewards (a star chart with stars for good behaviour and a small prize (like a funsize box of smarties or a cheap little toy car or something) at the end of the week).

Bad behaviour should not be ignored, but at two or three children tend to be very vocal and energetic, so them shouting or running around is not really 'bad' behaviour (if they're all really energetic (and if you have the facilities) try taking them outside to expend some energy and tired them out a bit).

Hope this helps.
i think if you raise your voice a little they shoud straighten up. Just don't do it to the point where they feel the need to tell their parents. You can make them stand in the corner for like 2 minutes. You can take away toys.

That tough though, I admire teachers. I'd be such an awful teacher, I'd just want to smack 'em. GOOD LUCK.
well i have been teaching that age at pre-school and have my own esl classes of that age.

Routines! Kids like to know what is coming - it really helps calm the whole atmosphere

For transitions I use songs a lot. To the tune of Frere Jaques I sing ';Lets sit down now, lets sit down now, On the chair...

or ';on the floor....';

or ';It is lunch-time, it is lunch time';

or ';this is the way we wash our hand'; (oops different song)

or ';time to put the toys away';

I sing ALL the keeps me from yelling and lets them know what I expect them to do next...
is it just me or are the kids today becoming even more ';unruly';, i was walking passed the local primary school and the young children were using unbelievable language, when i was that age, only 10 years ago, i would never have dreamt of using such language. dont get me wrong, i cursed, but this was unbelievable!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!end of rant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, and back to your original question, i have no idea, sorry!!!

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