you are really in a non win situation: can't discipline them because parents are ready to sue. I guess all you can do is dedicate your time only to the children that actually want to learn and fail the rest of them.How do I control my out of control students in class? I have about 20 of them in one class!?
I would go to your Principal and discuss these issues. See if he/she has any solutions or ideas for you.
My thought would be to put all that do not want to learn in a room (like lunch rom) where all they have is school work, where no discussion can take place (you could have a warning prior to following thru with this action) find another staff member to watch over them while you teach the rest of your class that does want to learn and listen respectfully. If that won't work - then the school needs to start suspending (preferably ISS) these kids to make their point clear; that these behaviors will not be tolerated.
It bothers me that they have been ';dealing'; with this behavior for this long and nothing has been done. If I was a parent or teacher in that environment I would demand change!
Good Luck!
Dint let them get away with it. Throw them out if they step out of line make them fear you. By me saying make them fear you I man be a nice good teacher, cool with them, relate to them, but let them know their in school and being prepared on how to act professional and have them suffer the consequences of their actions if not.
well im 15 so id say make your classes of interest...teach what you have to but make it so they kids get all excited...dont yell or theyll keep acting up...just earn their respect and theyll stay quiet and allow you to could find out their style of music and make them do a song about the subject or something
its really hard to explain but if you watch 'freesom writers' youll understand what i mean!
hope i helped
from: melanie anne-marie gallie
Goodluck. It really boils down to the parents. I would just ignore the kids/parents who don't care. Just work with the kids who want to learn. Reverse it. Send the good kids to the dean with their books to do work. I don't know, quit teaching? If its America nothing will change. Find a different school.
Try to work with the principal to see if there is a special discipline system you can create for this group in particular, some system where the principal will back you up with a certain harsh consequence, not just the kids going to his office and getting another lecture.
I have an idea. It might not work but i think it would be better for the 5 normal kids. I think you should ask the dean for special permission to refuse the 20 rowdy kids entry into your classroom. That way you would be able to teach the 5 kids that are actually ready to learn.
I actually have no idea. Some students are so disrespectful. have the VP or Principle come in and sit in on some classes. Maybe that'll intimidate the students. Suspend them? Expel them? if they are doing extremely terrible things.
give them a hard working lesson in silence, then if they are good reward them with a fun lesson :). or test them every lesson with stuff from the previous lesson and reward the ones that got good marks..
It's time for a completely different, but perfectly true answer.
Overcome stress.
The Influential Teacher
I'm in high school, id tell the kid or kid's to shut up, and every time he says something irrelevant or disruptive drop their overall grade in the class one letter grade.
hope it helps
you're a teach. you should figure these things out.
little or big get a principle
i think it's time to whip out the ruler....idk pop quiz them?
watch freedom writers... :D ok what subject do you teach?
Change jobs, Parents treat school like day care. They don't want to hear that their precious little snowflake is doing anything bad. They much rather blame you or the school, for their lack of parenting. Remember this generation rewards mediocrity, everyone is told they are special, so no one strives for greatness in their accomplishment . More and more US children are falling way behind compared to other nations and we don't seem to give a damn cause parents don't want to accept responsibility for little Joe and Susie acting like wild animals in class, talking back to the teacher and sometime even hitting them. My parents would have beat the snot out of me if I ever disrespected my teachers and always backed them on discipline. Unfortunately that's no longer the case and they are all victims .
You are a new teacher or have a very quiet voice don't you? Every time they disrupt the class put a mark on the board, after about 10 marks say '; oh, by the way, every mark on the board represents another question added on the next test. Any more disruptions after this will be 2 marks on the board.'; or write their names on the board and say ';If you know so much about the subject, you wouldn't mind answering additional questions on your test'; Hit them with a 200 question test. sign them up for in school suspension for disrupting the class, start sending them to the office, do not back down and follow through with any threats you make.
i say put them in a corner of the room seated together and announce to the class that because they aren't interested in learning, you aren't going to teach them. Let them do what they want but when they get too loud just say ';I know you want to speak like that but can you do it quietly so that the kids that want to make something out of their lives can start toward that goal now?'; Guarantee you that w/in 2 weeks, one of them will ask to move. Let being sat w/that group be the punishment for anyone else who acts like them.
Pop quizzes. Make them worth a significant portion of your grade and ONLY on what you teach, not from the book. Print 5 of them off in the morning and hand the first one out right after the bell. /Advise them that talking during it, for every occurance will lower their grade 1 letter grade for the test. Explain that these tests are to make sure they are paying attention and learning. When they act up during the day, boom - another pop quiz. Repeat it enough and they'll stop just so you stop handing out pop quizzes. might just be the students' nature to be that way. But if you really want them to behave, try seeing it from their point of view. Remember how you felt in school. There's usually 1 or 2 very mundane and mean teachers that aren't like-able what-so-ever. They might see you the same way. So try to make your class fun, like if they do all their homework or they participate, you could give them some sort of prize at the end of every other week (candy, food, free class, etc). It gives them something to work towards and helps them ignore the fact that they're in school. And if that doesn't work, I suggest just going to a different school.
Get one of their heros in to talk to them about life goals and how to achieve those goals. These kids have a sh@$ lives, so what have they got to look forward to. They have no ambitions, because they have no hope. They don't care coz noone cares about them. You need to give them something to work towards. Something to live for!! ie What value of life they want to have when they leave school. How much money they want to earn when they leave school. Do they want ther own family, if so how will they support their family? I know its so sad. The kids that are there to learn, move them to a class that they can learn in until the other students can be worked out. Split the bad kids up?
OMG! Good Luck
First, I feel for you. I know that bank tellers, postal workers, building contractors, dry cleaners, etc., cannot relate to teaching. What's ironic is every one of those workers was in a school at one time.
As a first year teacher, did they give you a mentor teacher? They should have.
You mentioned rules, consequences, so it's sounds like a killer group.
I had a mentor teacher once - in a class of constant fighting/yelling - help me set up a reward system. It sounded worthless at the start, but it did work. It started slow but did shape behavior. The toughest of the fools understood that keeping himself in check would help get ';what he wanted';.
We even bargained with the principal that for x-amount of positive work equaled 30 min. in the gym at the end of the day.
I wish I had better answers - but look up rewards and positive reinforcement. Remember to monitor your physical and emotional help - it can grind you down. Remember it's a job, with a time sheet, and *you are doing the best you can with what you have.* You can not change society and the fact that most of your parents don't care, but you can use that info. to gain a perspective on what can and cannot be done short and long term.
WOW!! I was in a class like that, we retired our 3rd through 6th grade teachers out of frustration. Only my 3rd grade teacher had an effect on us. You would probably get sued or terminated for doing this now but what she did was place my desk in a refrigerator box as well as the other 2 ';ring leaders. The back of the boxes were removed and the boxes were set upright with the only additional opening facing the front. She quickly learned we were poking through it with our pencils sticking each other so she then placed a ';normal'; kid in between each box. Myself and the other 2 guys are all functioning /productive members of society and harbor no bad feelings toward her oddly enough we are all still friends. I actually ran into my old teacher Mrs, Foote who did this. Im now 37, I saw her at the grocery store and we talked for over an hour. She asked me what I remembered from that year in school, I answered ';the box. She teared up but I quickly explained it as a memory not necessarily a bad one. My advise throw them in a box. It will at least allow the other kids to have some quality learning time. GOOD LUCK HOWEVER YOU HANDLE IT%26gt;
Don't you learn how to deal with this in college? It's all about psychology... Obviously they aren't getting any attention at home and need to get it in school... You'll have to allow them to get their attention in a productive way. Treat them like dogs - completely ignore them when they exhibit bad behavior. Don't even acknowledge that they are in the room. If they touch you or yell at you, take them firmly by the arm and sit them in their chair or point their head towards their work. Do NOT make eye-contact with them - not even a death stare. Only give your attention to the students who are working. The problem kids will eventually figure out that they aren't getting any attention and the kids who are working are... and if they don't, then at least your good students don't fail.
Well Prezboluski, you should try to get to them threw a nature they understand... But really, you should've laid your law down since day one... Kids know who and who not to play with...
tell them if they behave they will get a prize at the end of the week. Maybe a butterfinger..
GET A TAZER%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;USE IT
i dont know...
im not a ateacher.
flash them.
or just let them fail its not your fault you tried
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