Yes, I do agree with you that abstinence should be taught but at home.The school system has stuck their noses into things that they shouldn't. Really the parents should be responsible but many aren't. The moral fabric of this world has deteriorated and not too many care or think anything about casual sex. Everything goes now a days. Just read what your first two guys wrote. ';Abstinence doesn't work';, what a really dumb statement. It does work. You're safe from pregnancy and venereal diseases when you abstain from sex. The best that we can do for these young kids is to be good role models and pray that they seek God before they make that decision to go ahead and follow pier pressure.Why do we not teach abstinence first in schools/sex ed classes? Only GUARANTEED birth control?
The question is NOT if Abstinence is effective - of COURSE it's effective. The questions are: Is teaching Abstinence effective? Do kids even pay attention? The answer to those questions is, ';no';.
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Abstinence throughout history has been conclusively shown not to work, even under the threat of death. Simply, the strongest instinct we have is to reproduce (i.e. to have sex as soon as we are able). The best approach is to teach responsibility (by parents, schools, and society), that is, wait until both partners are ready and the for both to use birth control until they are ready to have and support a child. Alternate options should be also taught as ways experimenting but not running the risk of pregnancy.
This has to be an open and honest subject at the parent and education level, on the social level, it needs to be an accepted and glamorized expectation.
Perhaps because schools realize that parents and Churches ALREADY TEACH THAT, and kids aren't listening. It's a ';necessary evil'; which prevents the same pregnancies which you are so concerned about.
To summarize: Condoms seem to be much more effective than the ';don't do that'; speeches you are so dependent upon.
Even Bristol Palin calls abstinence education ';unrealistic';. And she should know because that's what she was taught (at school, and at home, supposedly) and she STILL had a baby out-of-wedlock before she graduated from High School.
You can tell people, ';don't do it';, but the rebellion of youth combined with the human sex-drive is stronger still.
Maybe you went to a crappy school.
My high school health class's section on birth control/STD prevention began with ';abstinence is the only 100% effective means of birth control/STD prevention'; and went on from there to describe the other means of birth control, success/failure rates, etc.
When I took sex ed classes, abstinence was taught along with forms of contraceptives, and the risks involved in each. They did not however teach that you should be abstinent until marriage. It's a choice best left to the individual. School isn't about teaching morals, it's about teaching facts.
I thought condoms were more effective than 88%. Do you have a source?
Are you serious? My high school's health book doesn't have a SINGLE MENTION of birth control or condoms. Yet I see pregnant girls walking around all the time, and I myself have sex and don't pay attention to the abstinence baloney - it conflicts with my human nature and my sexy boyfriend. Thankfully I'm one of the lucky ones who is educated.
I am on Depo Provera, which is 99% effective. A life without risks isn't worth living. People who know the facts about sex will use more than one form of birth control.
Let's try that out, shall we?
';Kids, sex is a wonderful thing, so wonderful that you shouldn't do it except under legally circumscribed conditions. Because people who do it under less-than-legal conditions get into all kinds of trouble. And teenagers don't like trouble, now do you?';
Yeah. That'll work.
Well, I think abstinence until marriage is more of a moral issue. I personally wasn't raised to wait until I was married to have sex. I think schools want to stick to the facts rather than getting their personal beliefs involved.
What, parents have NO responsibility???
Ugh... Sex Ed is taught because parents screw this up. Its sad that they even have to teach the preventative stuff.
If you don't like it, STEP UP and teach your kids what you want 'em to hear.
We do. Constantly.
I'm not sure if you've noticed, 'Don't have sex' is a really, really short subject. It's usually brushed over multiple times as the only 100% effective means.
But we cover the other stuff too.
it is the only guaranteed choice that doesnt make teens pregnant.
its all about politics. its all about AntiGod people and atheists controlling separation of church and state. even though public schools is NOT state. its community.
Abstinence would be nice... but it is unrealistic. Condom use should not only be encouraged, but proper use of the condom should be taught to help prevent the problems you mention.
Abstinence has a higher rate of failure than comdom.
Abstinence is a load of crap.
Bristol Palin was taught abstinence. Look how that turned out.
Because abstinence does not work at all
Kids are told all those things.
ummm i learned about abstinence last yr in gr 10..........
so like i dunno where u are, but they are teachin in it ontario
I dunno where you're at...
But they won't shut up about it here. :)
This idea was moved from the schools because it is a Christian belief and you are not allowed to teach Christian beliefs in public schools. It is considered discriminatory towards other belief systems. ;-)
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