Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Does Obama think that working-class whites in Pennsylvania were gun control liberals until their jobs left?

That is so silly.

Obama is concerned about Americans.

Liberal or conservative.

I'd say the people in Pennsylvania are cheering now. Only the partisans who can't see past smear radio and hate are not.


Partisan NUT CASES which YA is full of have taken this out of context and tried to make something out of it.

Like they did with the church thing, and polls indicated the people overwhelmingly said it didn't add up to squat.

If one were to measure YA NUTS as what represents America, we'd be in signifigantly deeper trouble then we are now.

I don't pay attention to PARTISAN NUTS, other then to shove it back in their face.

By the way, PARTISAN NUTS, on both sides of the fence, I wear my thumbs down as a badge of honor.


Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


551 - 479 BC




.Does Obama think that working-class whites in Pennsylvania were gun control liberals until their jobs left?
Will you be bitter if the whites in Pennsylvania don't demolish Obama in the upcoming primary?Does Obama think that working-class whites in Pennsylvania were gun control liberals until their jobs left?
Plain Jim, we take Obama for what he said, and you label us as you did.

Obama is the one who knocked rural Americans.

It's not this comment alone that is the problem. He has a history of making comments that show how little experience and knowledge he has about things.

He is just not ready.
That's exactly what he said. You're so right.
not the sharpest knife in the drawer

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