Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What have you learned in your highschool or college classes about the socialism/government control?

which took over places like China, N. Vietnam, N. Korea, Cambodia, Burma, Russia, Cuba ?

Yes, there are differences. But the main similarity is that the populace lost control over their daily lives. Things got much worse for the masses.What have you learned in your highschool or college classes about the socialism/government control?
Well the US is a Republic Democracy. A pure democracy would not work, the US actually has parts of socialism in it ex. Social Security, library, fire department, police department, medicare, medicaid. So the US is turning socialist, as all countries do. ex. France, UK, Germany.What have you learned in your highschool or college classes about the socialism/government control?
Socialism, communism, dictatorships, and military rule are all different might want to consider some distinction before asking your question.

You could consider some of the socialist leaning free countries that are doing pretty well - say Austria for example or Denmark...yes, they are affected by the financial crisis - but their citizens don't have to worry about how to pay for their children to go to the doctor or how they are going to afford their prescriptions. AND the people live normal free lives with rights; good education; about the same access to jobs, food, necessities as anyone in America does.

Maybe I am misunderstanding your question???
Our government is already in control of what the people see and what the people get....or haven't you realized that yet?

We lost it a long time ago. Socialism itself is by defination the government take over of businesses, so technically, we are not socialist but I see your point. Pres. Obama is going to be even more in control of things than any past President has been. He has already proven that by his moves on the stimulus package and on the census issue as well as other maneuvers to solidify power in the white house itself. The only reason congress still exists is to keep the masses from realizing that we are in the hands of a dictator, not a President.
You think you know what socialism is, but you don't. Go back to the public library (a socialist-like organization) and read up on it.
I suggest you start your activism by boycotting the fire department--those publically funded firefighters will put out the fire in anyone's house, even if that person hasn't paid a dime of taxes. Sounds like socialism to me.
I have control over my daily life.
I didn't- the teachers were Marxists- When I got out in the world ';working'; ( bad work to Dem's) I woke up fast

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