Thursday, May 13, 2010

Convicted of Attempt to Possess a Controlled Substance by Fraud.(Class A Felony) in Michigan.Exponge possible

Is this really an (A class felony) I never even filled the prescription. Can a lawyer help me to either lower the class of felony, reduce it to a misdemeanor or exponge it altogether? I was professionally employed for years, now I can't find a job sweeping floors... helpConvicted of Attempt to Possess a Controlled Substance by Fraud.(Class A Felony) in Michigan.Exponge possible
Yes, it's a Class A felony. You stated you didn't fill the prescription and I believe that. But notice the charge: Attempt to Possess...

Once you've been convicted it'll stay on your record. Expunging is not a possibility at this juncture.Convicted of Attempt to Possess a Controlled Substance by Fraud.(Class A Felony) in Michigan.Exponge possible
once you are a felon you are always a felon. sorry but it sticks with you no matter what in the united states
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