Thursday, May 13, 2010

I have to design a controlled experiment. for the N1H1 strain for my biology class?

It says the lable is NURI-34 I cant use humans and i have to write no more then 5 sentences summarizing how you would test this compound.

1. what is the experimental variable in the experiment?

2. what is the control in the experiment?

3. should a placebo be used in this experiment (why why not)

4. how many subjects

5. what does the term basic (or base) mean in the context.

well i know since i cant use humans i was thinking about using pigs, so that would mean i should not use the placebo because how can you on pigs? Is the experimental variable the NUR!-34 I missed the first two classes where my instructer talked about because i did not register until later. Not sure where to start PLEASE help!!!

Thank you!!!I have to design a controlled experiment. for the N1H1 strain for my biology class?
The variable would be anything that varies between the subjects. This could be inoculation dose of the virus, the vaccine, etc. You will always have controls. That is an animal that recieves the same treatment as the rest of the animals except what you are testing (if you are testing a vaccine, the control does not recieve the vaccine, but, does recieve a ';sham'; vaccine which has all of the ingredients of the vaccine except the antigen).

You can think of your control as recieving the ';placebo';.

I would suggest using ferrets rather than pigs. Ferrets are much better

human analogs.

The number of subjects is hard to pin down. You want enough to see if you have a statisticaly valid result, but, not so many that you run into cost/animal welfare issues. 5-10 per treatment group is normal.

I am guessing that ';Base'; would be base line data. That would be taking measurements (temperature, blood, etc) prior to inoculation.

I hope this helps.

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