Sunday, January 24, 2010

Do the middle classes in America control politics by denying voter registration to the poor and the new?

citizen Iinclude African Americans in this group using New Orleans black voter numbers as an example and why does the U.S. deny universal suffrage ,are they afraid the poor might not vote for the chattering classes.Do the middle classes in America control politics by denying voter registration to the poor and the new?
The poor and the new don't know how to read.Do you want them to vote for your party.They were the ones making the mistakes in Florida in the 2000 election.Do the middle classes in America control politics by denying voter registration to the poor and the new?
And your proof is?
No, nobody is denied voter registration - if you're eligible to vote, you can easily register.

If you're too lazy to get a job, you're probably too lazy to register to vote.
Ok, come on, now. How can anyone deny voter registration to ANYONE these days? The NAACP would be all over that, as would the ACLU. Do you have any examples with actual facts that you can provide?
No citizen of the US is denied voting rights.
Might I ask where in the world you folks come up with this stuff? Do you suck it out of your thumb?

NO PERSON is denied the right to vote. It's a matter of registering and heading to the polls.
No one is denied the right to vote, as long as you are a citizen. In fact, most states now use the ';motor voter'; system--when you obtain/renew your driver's license you are automatically registered to vote.

The real question for most people is ';can I leave work to vote, since most elections are held on Tuesday?';. Technically, your employer has to allow you enough time to go vote, but if this really concerns you then vote early. If your employer won't let you vote, then call some organization like ACORN.

Poor ? I did not know you had to make any money to vote. I have not had to pay to vote ever.

New ? Aren't they Americans. If they are illegal then, NO. If you have made no obligation to this country. If you pay no taxes. You need not vote.
give me a freeking break. As a black woman, I disagree with your 100%.

Registering to vote is so easy a caveman can do it.

Any citizen of the United States has the right to vote. To register they need only go to the board of canvassers in the city or town that they live in and fill out some simple forms. There isn't any discrimination when it comes to actually registering and voting. The reasons that the numbers look the way they do and why there is extremely poor turnout of voters, nationwide, is general apathy on the part of the registered voters. Nobody is stopping anyone from voting however we are not going to force people to vote either. The option is there for anyone they just have to have the self motivation to actually participate.
What middle class?
Nobody denies anything to eligible voters. That means if you are a legal citizen of this country then you are eligible to vote. Your lies no longer work, take them on down the road.

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