Friday, January 22, 2010

Is the Democratically controlled congress trying to bankrupt the middle class?

They passed the requirement for 10% ethanol in fuel. My food expenses went up.

They refuse to allow drilling in Alaska to reduce the dependance on foreigh oil. Fuel costs keep rising.

The House just passed the ';Cap and Trade'; bill that is said to raise my electric bill by more than $100 per month.Is the Democratically controlled congress trying to bankrupt the middle class?
Obama is change you can believe in.Is the Democratically controlled congress trying to bankrupt the middle class?
They are not TRYING to bankrupt the middle class. They are trying to save the environment or help people or some other noble goal. They bankrupting the middle class by accident.
Corn has seen a huge increase but this happened long ago under Bush.

We don't need to drill in Alaska and it's NOT enough oil to help much.

You're electric bill isn't going up 100 dollars a month, ROFL.
I think most states are going bankrupt now.......after the Bush presidency and 8 years of mosltly republican rule.
This all happened during the Bush Regime. Except for the last part. Did your bill go up already?

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