Friday, January 22, 2010

With even middle-class parents like the McCanns any wonder your (British) kids are out of control yobs?

Are British parents the worst in Europe?

';On every indicator of bad behaviour - drugs, drink, violence, promiscuity - the UK was at or near the top, said the Institute for Public Policy Research. ';With even middle-class parents like the McCanns any wonder your (British) kids are out of control yobs?
We're not exactly in tears over your leaving either ! ! !With even middle-class parents like the McCanns any wonder your (British) kids are out of control yobs?
You cannot compare the McCanns in this case to other bad parents in the UK. You do not readily know them and by all accounts they are loving and kind people - they made a mistake they will have to live with all their lives. It is callous of you to compare the McCanns in this way.

Over the last few years there has been a growing class divide in the UK between the pretty well off middle classes and the lower income bracket that have not experienced the same wealth and educational oppourtunities. In reality though the lower classes have better access to training and education than any other previous generation. The government and many local councils provide plenty of help, support and advice to people from all walks of life but many people do not take advantage of this and rely on our expansive welfare system to support them financially.
Your employee did the right thing by posting you . Who wants to work with a moaning git like you .

Do try not to come back , please .
hasta lluego
Hurry up and pack ....

Don't let the door hit you in the **** on the way out!
I wish it didn't come down to foreigners to identify the problem that feckless parenting has increasingly caused over the last 30-40 years.

Btw, Stu above misses the point and is factually incorrect.

I think the point the questioner is making is that the McCanns were negligent - a common problem in this country.

Furthermore, the research now clearly shows that the kids who do worst in school are white working class boys - significantly worse than blacks and Asians.
Mmm, first time I`ve seen sh1t talking sh1t!!!
Don't forget to take your soap box with you when you leave.
I didn't realise we had a shortage of sh1t-shovelers and needed you to come and work here for 12 months.
He! He ! Who's your employer? Perhaps you were posted to one of our universities - in a jar. You are the perfect example of care in the community being a very bad idea. Now p*** off!
Firstly the McCanns kids arent out of control nor are they yobs, they have, however, hit the headlines as one of their children was snatched by some sicko in Portugal - which even someone with your low intelligence can see is not in the UK.

Unfortuntately one of the main reasons for these results (and something that you have ommitted - on purpose?!?) is that of all groups looked at, a very high proportion were 1st / 2nd generation immigrants people who couldnt speak English or spoke it as a 2nd language but were still counted in the schooling figures......In stupid speak for you this means people who came here from another country outside of the British Isles....a lot like yourself actually!

So if you dont mind will you please bugger off back to whatever flea pit you came from and leave us in peace.........
I suppose the kids where you live are very well behaved law abiding citizens....not.

Look at USA, half the kids over there carry guns and god knows what else. You are making an assumption based on some cockandbull statistics that are made up to get as much media attention as possible.

By the way..... Close the door on your way out and don't come back, you're not welcome.

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