Friday, January 22, 2010

Given that Liberals have been in control of the public schools at most levels(the class rooms up) for what ..?

seems like eons, is it any wonder we have a failing public school system?Given that Liberals have been in control of the public schools at most levels(the class rooms up) for what ..?
I agree, it's pretty easy to see who failed the students and this country. Any program that goes against their program to dumb down America is never welcome. That is why they hate NCLB. On the other hand, where is the outrage from the parents? they need to quit suing and support the teachers. To remove one of the little ba$tards from the classroom is worse than trying to fire a union worker. That is wrong.Given that Liberals have been in control of the public schools at most levels(the class rooms up) for what ..?
Hahaha! And the Repubs were in control of the government. Nice try .
From someone who benefited from a public school education, your question is both specious, and spurious.
To bad we can't invade the public school system and disarm it's weapons of mass misinformation!
actually the Carnegie Institute corrupted the school system. Are they liberals or just rich? Always ask 'who benefits'. It's the slave holders who benefit from a dumbed down population.
you said it best. coulndt agree with you more. its getting worse every year and is ten years ahead of schedule.
Great post. I nominate this for question of the week.

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